Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shelf clearing and how to solve it

 Shelf clearers are people who come in to a store and take every item on the shelf, especially if it is free. To prevent shelves already being cleared when you get there, go the first day the ad comes out, stores do stock up on sale items but you never know.
 If for some reason the product you want has already been sold, go to the costumer service desk and ask for a rain check. Rain checks are a great way to get the item you want at the price you want, even if they all have been sold! Check with your store to see if they offer rain checks.
 If you are planning on getting a lot of one product, you know like 20 or up, consider special ordering that product to ensure you get all you want. That also helps other couponers get what they need too! 
 The biggest factor in shelf clearing is not to be one your self! When planning big couponing trips always make a special order!

Happy Savings!

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